PrivatBank launched @Paypbbot for Telegram that helps users of the popular messenger to send and receive money in one click. To send or request a money transfer using the bot you just need to type @Paypbbot and write the payment amount in the chat with your friend (watch the video).
“To send money via Telegram is a remarkably easy and convenient way to transfer money, – says Mykhailo Rogalskyi, PrivatBank Head of Payments and Transfers. – The first bots were launched in our Sender messenger; today we integrated them with Telegram. Easy one-click money transfers will become available in the most popular communication platforms soon”.
PrivatBank is the first Ukrainian bank that launched a money transfer service in a messenger. To send or receive money via Telegram you just need to register in @Paypbbot, confirm the phone number, specify the last 4 digits of a plastic card that will be used to send or receive money and confirm the choice of the card by entering the SMS-password from the bank.
The bot-service of transfers is available to all holders of PrivatBank plastic cards. Money can be sent only in local currency (Ukrainian hryvnia).